Common Locales
With this huge complicated story going on, it's easy to forget where everything is. That's why this page is here. Each area has a distinct background which lets you tell where exactly the comic is taking place.
The Overworld
The overworld is the surface of the Earth close to Salvation's true camp. Mechorp hasn't yet blighted those trees surrounding the camp, providing for rather convenient cover.
Salvation's Underground Base
This is where most of the planning and such of Salvation is done. It is also the only safe place for all the members to meet.
Salvation's Bunks
The bunks of Salvation's camp are where the members sleep. It's very poorly lit so as not to have a significant thermal register. I'd like to take an out-of-character moment to get one thing straight, though: I cannot draw bunks, cots, beds, rollouts, couches, sofas, loveseats, etc. for crap. You'll just have to deal.
The Conference Room
Salvation's Conference Room is where all the most important meetings take place, such as deciding if someone new should join the rebellion, or whether or not to adopt a new battle strategy, or other such things. The wall is adorned with a large picture of Kohn with the words "In memoria" written below it. By the way, "in memoria" is Latin for "in memory"...but you could have figured that out yourself.
The Docking Bay
The docking bay of Salvation is on the level closest to the surface. Even though Salvation desires to move their Bay to the lower levels to save what precious few ships they have, drilling tools are limited and they must put it as close to the surface as possible if it is to take off. The ship takes off through a semi-advanced system of mechanisms which raise the ground above and allow safe passage. The area in which it took off was once well-disguised, but the forest surrounding it was devastated by Shade, when he was still a member of Mechorp. Aster rules over this area; she keeps the ships in working order, camouflages them as well as she can, and maintains the security system protecting the Docking Bay.
Mechorp's Control Center / Interrogation Room
Here, Mechorp's insidious schemes evolve and the Mastery congregates. This room also contains the only link to the Almighty throughout the entire base. Also, if somebody shuts off all but the one huge light at the top of the room, this room becomes one of Mechorp's many interrogation rooms. | |